Problem sets

Each independent problem (IP) set will consist of an independent and a collaborative phase:

Independent You will have class time to independently work out solutions to 1 (Tuesday meeting ) or 2 problems (Wednesday meeting). You are not authorized to discuss the problems with peers. You may refer to your own notes and your previous work in the course, and you may ask the professor for clarity, but you may not discuss the problems with anyone else.
Collaborative After the class meeting, you will have additional time to finish solving the problems and correcting any mistakes in your first submission. Your final solutions are due the first Friday by 5pm. You are authorized and encouraged to talk with instructors or peers in the class.

Each problem in the set will be graded based on your ability to work out solutions independently or with assistance:

A 4 Complete and correct solution by end of independent phase.
B 3 One or more correct parts of a solution that contains one or more errors by end of independent phase.
Complete and correct solution by end of collaborative phase.
C 2 No correct parts of the solution by end of independent phase, but all parts correct and complete by end of collaborative phase. Or some incorrect parts of the solution by end of independent phase and failure to correct all parts by end of collaborative phase.
F 0 Failure to submit solution by end of collaborative phase without discussing extra time with the professor.

Letter grades will be the average of the three scores. This is the grade scale in the Middlebury Handbook.

A 4.00
A- 3.67
B+ 3.33
B 3.00
B- 2.67
C+ 2.33
C 2.00
C- 1.67
D+ 1.33
D 1.00
D- 0.67
F 0.00