Practice problems

Practice problems will usually be distributed on Tuesday. You will be introduced to a set of tools and your goal will be to figure out how to solve the problem with the tools that you are learning how to use. You may work on these in small groups (opposites and triangles preferred, rectangles maximum) or on your own if you prefer. You may also ask for clarity from an instructor at any point.

You will be required to submit your work at the end of our Wednesday meeting. If you have worked through the entire meeting and want additional time, you will be granted permission for additional time as long as you ask and promise to submit your work before our Thursday meeting.

On Thursday, we will discuss the practice problems. If time permits, we will also work through additional problems. You will then have until FRIDAY 5pm to submit a solution without errors to the dropbox.

Your grade for practice problems will be based on participation (you submitted progress at the end of lab meeting) and submission of agreed upon solution by FRIDAY 5pm. Absences or late work will be penalized one grade step per infraction (A becomes A, A- becomes B+).